Industrial automation

Zanocco SMI designs, produces and sets up automation systems (assembly, handling, testing, functional checks…) thanks to a team of highly skilled System Integrator technicians who manage complex automatic systems, using modern technology to satisfy the specific requirements of their clients who want to upgrade the production cycles and digitalise their company and in order to operate in a world where the fourth industrial revolution is a fact.

Zanocco SMI is System Integrator for the following products and devices: 


Analysis and design

Electric panels and on-board systems

Software development

Revamping and inspection

4.0 Industry

Zanocco SMI devises, produces and manages 4.0 industrial machinery in which all internal devices are connected and automatically communicate with each other and have software and hardware that comply with necessary requirements such as:

Zanocco SMI, supported by Giobatech, carries out surveys for 4.0 industries:

The National Plan for 4.0 Industries foresees incentives for all Italian industries that decide to automise and innovate their productive processes with new technologies.

Analysis and design

In compliance with relevant current regulations, machinery and EU directives, Zanocco SMI offers:

All the systems that Zanocco SMI produces are the result of many years of experience in team-working on designing systems for various industrial sectors and of course, due to the specialization of their technicians in designing panels, industrial automation systems and electrical systems of special equipment.

Designs are developed on CAD stations using SPAC Automation program.  Tests for the conformity of electrical panels are carried out in compliance with requirements of the Low Tension Directive and relevant certifications are issued.

In compliance with relevant current regulations, machinery and EU directives, SMI srl offers:

diagrams of electrical panels and of on-board machine systems
list of cables for on-board machine system cabling
layout of electrical component positions based on mechanical design
translation of diagrams into several languages
consulting on current regulations
electrical design and solutions for the Italian, and therefore European (EU), and US (UL) markets.

Electrical panels and on-board machine cabeling

The electrical panels that Zanocco SMI designs and produces are of two types:





For all panels, we guarantee:

■ total compliance with all guidelines of each sector and with given specifications.

■ systems that are swiftly put into production as testing is carried out on our premises.

■ production in compliance with EU regulations for low tension equipment and CEI EN 61439-1, CEI EN 60204 programmable equipment and with international regulations.

Zanocco SMI on-board machine cabeling have the advantage of:

■ making highly innovative systems available to optimize cabling and to reduce the complexity of the on-board machine system

■ complying with CEI EN 61439 and CEI EN 60204 regulations.

■ guaranteeing care and attention in separating cable layout (power, control and signal) so as to not incur in problems linked to the system malfunctioning; in positioning the panels and in the choice of the most suitable insulation.

■ giving top assistance by all professionals who supervise the phases of implementation and testing of the machine through to delivery and final location of the machinery in the customer’s premises.  

Software development

Zanocco SMI develops software (on personalized PLC, HMI and SCADA platforms, robot software) for industrial automation and process controls in general, by evaluating the resources that are necessary to manage the application, by proposing several configurations in order to reach the best results and by using high tech instruments to easily connect and integrate with any measuring and controlling device in the world and to transfer information to customers near and far.

Once installed, the software improves productivity, efficiency and safety of the productive systems since:

Software development

PLC e HMI are made with :

SCADA with:

and software robot with:


For more than 20 years, Zanocco SMI has been able to give new life to old systems bringing industrial automation systems and apparently obsolete equipment back to efficiency. By carrying out partial or full up-dating the electrical/electronic part of a system (sometimes this involves mechanical improvements), using innovative systems, machinery can operate with higher efficiency thus improving production.

A team of Zanocco SMI experts oversees the revamping process from its initial stage of analysis through to renovation and retrofitting of the system by replacing and refurbishing outdated electrical panels and installing new PLC and operator interfaces and, ultimately, by supplying any necessary remote assistance.

Customised solutions for every type
of system

Zanocco SMI is a leader in automation and designs basic components of hardware and software for electrical panels and industrial automation systems in many commodity sectors, in collaboration with mechanical companies that, in some cases, are both suppliers, for what concerns components, and customers.

Zanocco SMI srl also supplies technical assistance, research and repairs to various types of machinery employed in the automotive sector.

Zanocco SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19 Tel 0175-85603
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 03193620048
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL
12030 Manta (CN) Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730 Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
Zanocco Sistemi SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19
P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 04035570045

Telefono +39 0175 289730


PARTITA IVA e C.F. 03162330041 | Reg. Imprese Cuneo CN199739418 | Capitale Sociale i.v. € 100.000,00

Copyright © 2021 SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL Tutti i diritti riservati.

Telefono +39 0175 289730


PARTITA IVA e C.F. 03162330041 | Reg. Imprese Cuneo CN199739418 | Capitale Sociale i.v. € 100.000,00

Copyright © 2021 SMI Sicurezza e Automazione s.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati.