The team of highly specialised Zanocco SMI engineers can propose the following:
- ■ development of new explosion prevention systems (including adjustments and extensions)
- ■ solutions, after an explosion has occurred, for removing all collateral effects limiting plant standstill and minimizing production losses and damage to people and structures
- ■ customized solutions, for different types of plants by preventing announced events and limiting explosions and isolating them by means of one of the four ad hoc systems
Zanocco SMI offers customized explosion, gas leaks and fire protection solutions for all systems installed in mills, joinery workshops, feed mills, food and chemical industries, automotive firms where powders, vapours, mists and gases are produced, treated, packaged and stored.
The advanced explosion prevention systems designed by Zanocco SMI are capable of stopping events that could generate early alarm from triggering.
Prevention by checking, analising, for example, a sample atmosphere in order to reduce oxygen standards, or by instantly intercepting sparks and smoke due to an explosion or by monitoring the concentration of toxic or inflammable gases within a certain area

How to enact appropriate countermeasures in real time?
By reducing the oxygen content, the mixture of air/gas or vapour, or air/combustible powder can be shifted out of the explosive range. Through quick and thorough analysis of the sample of the atmosphere, using safety logics, the parameters which are key to the safety of the process are kept under control.
The system used for detecting and extinguishing sparks is based on IR and UV sensors. Sparks and smoke generated by an explosion and that linger in processing are immediately intercepted so that adequate countermeasures can be enacted in real time.
Water spraying nozzles, extinction barriers and interception devices are the parts that prevent the ignition source from spreading towards other parts of the plant thus guaranteeing prevention of ignition thanks to:
■ Reliable detection also by means of dirt deposit or high content flows.
■ Rapid automatic extinction system consisting of a high speed electro-valve and several extinction nozzles.
■ High pressure is extinguished in only a few seconds with a thin film of water.
■ Maximum efficacy in dim areas.
■ Each alarm system has three detectors and this assures highly reliable detection in high working temperature areas.
■ Fast and easy installation also on pre-existing applications.
■ Interface with process automation in order to provide detailed information concerning the state of the system.
Gas detection systems monitor the concentration of toxic, flammable gases, the presence of vapours or the concentration of oxygen within the area. These systems are modular, combinable and adaptable in size to the customers’ specific requirements. Further safety measures can be implemented to manage pre-alarm and alarm circumstances (actuation of forced ventilation, power supply system shut off…). By conveniently positioning the sensors and guaranteeing correct volume coverage, in some cases, ATEX classified zones can be declassed or the type and expansion can be considerably reduced.
Many industrial processes that involve stocking and handling of combustible powders and flammable liquids are characterised by operations that produce separation of electrostatic charges; if appropriate conditions of equipotentiality of the components involved are not guaranteed, the build up of charges and consequent increase of the electric field can induce breakage of the dielectric and generate ignition sources that are potentially impactful. Equipotentiality can be monitored by means of dedicated devices, fitted with visual indicators and/or signal contacts that can be used as a interlock system with the process automation. Zanocco SMI offers in field measuring services aimed at checking and guaranteeing correct equipotentiality of the various components of the plant where the extension of the lines (i.e. pneumatic conveyor plants and powder stockage) do not allow realistic equipotentiality monitoring by using dedicated instruments.
Whoever is familiar with explosions and the related consequences knows that secondary explosions cause greater damage.
It is a mistake to protect only the volumes or the part of the plant that may be considered more at risk and this can allow the explosion to reach other sections of the plant and become considerably more powerful due to precompression. If this happens, an explosion protection system will not be efficient. For this reason, isolating from explosions is an essential component when developing concepts of protection against explosions.
Zanocco SMI engineers and developers guarantee high level safety by adapting the concept of anti-explosion safety to the customer’s requirements concentrating on managing isolating systems. Depending upon the type of technology that is used, the process can be re-started immediately after activation without periods of inactivity or costs due to repairs.

Chemical Barriers
Chemical barriers work following the same principle of explosion suppression systems. These barriers are activated by the sensors and controlled by the electrical panel.

Mechanical slide valve
The ultra-rapid knife gate valves are devices that isolate pipes carrying gas, vapours or flammable powders that are activates when an explosion is detected.

Passive valves
Passive valves are generally used to guarantee explosion isolation in ventilation and depowdering systems.
Zanocco SMI proposes, for industrial processes, various types of venting devices that discharge and divert the effects of an explosion to a safe area, far from people and objects (venting devices) or that can contain such effects in safety also in indoor applications or restricted areas (indoor venting devices).

Venting devices
Venting devices make anti-explosion protection of volumes and process apparatus possible by controlling the discharge of explosions. These devices are made of set fragmentation metal surfaces (rectangular or round, flat or convex or, in some cases, customized) that, once the explosion is ignited inside a volume, open allowing discharge before internal pressure causes damage or breakage in areas that are not controlled by the system. The size of the devices can follow various standards (EN14491, EN14994, NFPA 68 etc) based on the shape of the volume that needs protecting, on the structural resistance and the characteristics of the potentially explosive compound. Venting devices are equipped with a breakage indicator that is used for retro-activating the state of the device to the process automation and implement any necessary emergency halts.
Indoor venting devices
Using venting devices implies the possibility of discharging the effects of an explosion (flame front, pressure wave) to a safe zone where no damage can occur to people or structures. When this situation is not guaranteed indoor venting devices can be applied that is venting devices fitted with a flame arrestor. These devices, when of adequate capacity, allow explosion venting methods to be applied also to indoor situations or in those where a large enough safe area is not available in the proximity of the equipment that needs protecting.

Explosion suppression systems are becoming more and more important and widespread because of their reliability and because they can guarantee swift reactivation of the plants and machinery they protect even following an explosion. Explosion suppression systems trigger within milliseconds; thanks to optical or dynamic pressure detectors, the explosion is immediately located and quenched by activating extra-rapid extinguishing systems. Handling and extinguishing the deflagration in the initial stage enables efficient damping of the effects of over-pressure and temperature, safeguarding not only people but limiting structural stress on protected apparatus to minimum levels in order to maintain the integrity of the productive plant.
The protection system control unit, which is designed to guarantee SIL 2 level reliability, continuously monitors the components of the protection system for reliability and functionality.
Developing new extinguishing agents (FDA powders, hot water technology extinguishing systems) and nozzles for CIP and SIP cycles, allows these systems to be applied in locations with extremely high hygiene requirements such as in pharmaceutical and food industry.

The suppressor is activated when an explosion is detected by two generator gases; a dedicated valve fixed to the head, which can easily be replaced after the event, guarantees fast opening and discharge of the extinguishing agent.

Customized control units
The control unit is the core of the protection system; by receiving information from the dynamic/optical pressure sensors and based on set levels, it gives the suppressor activating signal.

Pressure and flame detectors
The dynamic pressure sensor can detect an increase of pressure linked to an explosion. The reliability of the sensor is based on consolidated automotive technology.

In order to ensure effective release of the extinguishing agent in many types of machinery and processes, several types of nozzles have accordingly been developed.
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