
Networking includes all the network systems that are the core of connectivity between devices, either internet connections or data and information interchange within a plant. Nowadays the quantity and quality of interchanged data within a plant are increasing more and more. So, high efficiency and being set for future upgrades it is ever more essential for a system in a flexible, dynamic and completely integrated company .

Zanocco SMI analyses the customer’s requirements in order to design the best system in terms of costs, performance, speed and band capacity.

Structured Cabling

Having good structured cabling systems is key for efficient and productive corporate computer network as, in cutting edge companies, servers, client PCs, telephones, surveillance cams, access control and a whole range of other service devices are connected.

Zanocco SMI designs structured cabling complete with network infrastructure, this service is divided into:

■ survey of the plant and dimensions of related equipment;

■ general layout with location, rack and mains socket numbering;

■ rack panels layout;

■ diagram of optical fiber interconnections between racks;

■ detailed diagram of single fibers in optical boxes;

■ Exel chart of copper patch panel permutation.

Fibra-ottica SMI Zanocco

Optical Fiber

Zanocco SMI creates optical fiber cabling and guarantees:

■ Supply and laying of optical fiber of the best brands: single-mode, multi-mode with any type of connectorisation or outer sheath;

■ Certified hot-spliced fiber with View3 Innolnstrument tool;

■ Point certification carried out with avant-guard tool OTDR Exfo Max-720C;

■ PDF certification;

■ Two-directional measurement of section with OTDR tool: continuity, loss, length, interruption detection, cable stress and reflection checks;

■ Issue of detailed report highlighting characteristics and any necessary repairs.

Videosorveglianza, antifurto e protezione da scariche atmosferiche

Other Services

Thanks to our collaboration with proven quality manufacturing companies and external technicians who update constantly, Zanocco SMI designs and creates:

■ Rack panel clearance with replacement and setting of all cables;

■ CED rooms with gauging and conditioning systems, rack cabinets, UPS;

■ Wifi with coverage simulation software;

■ IP video surveillance.

■ Digital telephone control units and Voip.

■ Access control and badge and biometric screening transponder devices.

■ IP intercoms.

■ GSM-UMTS field extenders for indoor signal coverage.

Zanocco SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19 Tel 0175-85603
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 03193620048
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL
12030 Manta (CN) Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730 Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041

Telefono +39 0175 289730


PARTITA IVA e C.F. 03162330041 | Reg. Imprese Cuneo CN199739418 | Capitale Sociale i.v. € 100.000,00

Copyright © 2021 SMI Sicurezza e Automazione s.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati.