Special systems

Video surveillance, anti-theft and lightning protection

Special plants are a particular range of systems that concern premises’ and people’s safety. They must therefore be custom designed, according to the type and characteristics of the of the location of installation. This category includes video-surveillance, anti-theft and lightning protection.

Zanocco SMI technical experts design and install special electrical systems that meet the majority of final use requirements.

Monitoraggio sicurezza SMI Zanocco

Video surveillance

Zanocco SMI deals with installing video-surveillance systems at the cutting edge that include:

■Video server (a computer with specific software for local and remote control of videocams with a dedicated monitor that displays images from the videocams)

■ Video server software – https://www.arteco-global.com/it/video-security/ e https://www.milestonesys.com/it/ – (sets recording modes of videocams and saving modes; videocams viewable on smartphone with compatible apps).

■ POE technology videocams (wide range available according to requirements and budget)


Zanocco SMI offers the best solution for every requirement concerning practicality, user-friendliness and safety in the area of anti-intrusion.

Zanocco SMI deals with installation, maintenance, design and management, which can be customized, of integrated solutions for protecting homes, buildings and private areas, shopping malls, industrial premises, sensitive areas (schools etc) or large outside areas.

A wide range of products, offered by Zanocco SMI, are the tools that guarantee “controlled safety”: wireless safety systems, cabled with bus or mixed connections, microprocessor units, magnetic contacts, volumetric detectors, outdoor barriers, telephone dialers, acoustic and light signals, vocal synthesis control panels that give information to and interact with the operator in a user-friendly way, graphic displays, touch screen panels, electronic proximity keys, RFID cards, biometric fingerprint readers for access control, phone transmitters.

Protezione-scariche Cuneo

Lightning protection

Zanocco SMI has skilled technicians who design and install L.P.S. (Lightning Protection Systems) using innovative solutions in collaboration with SIPF (Roncarati srl).

The system develops high performance lightning protection that: allows to move freely, does not require support, is built using noble materials, is an isolated system and is particularly versatile and can therefore be applied to any structure. The system is located at a distance from the building that needs protecting also when isolation is not required and without weighing on the structure.  Conductivity is five times higher than galvanized steel, the system is weather resistant and faster to install than traditional systems.

Zanocco SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19 Tel 0175-85603
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 03193620048
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL
12030 Manta (CN) Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730 Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
Zanocco Sistemi SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19
P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 04035570045

Telefono +39 0175 289730

E-mail amministrazione@zanocco.net

PARTITA IVA e C.F. 03162330041 | Reg. Imprese Cuneo CN199739418 | Capitale Sociale i.v. € 100.000,00

Copyright © 2021 SMI Sicurezza e Automazione s.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati.