
P A S T ,  P R E S E N T  AND  F U T U R E

P A S T ,  P R E S E N T 
   AND  F U T U R E


In 1990, Zanocco began as a small firm in a garage in Verzuolo, Cuneo, making industrial and private electrical systems .In 1996 the business moves to new premises in Faslicetto di Verzuolo.


SMI sas becomes SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL to offer complete service in creating industrial automation systems , robotics and…security systems such as fire  and explosion prevention systems.


Apart from its steady activity in automation and maintenance on safety systems, SMI assures in-house designing,  installation and all assistance on explosion and fire prevention systems.


SMI SAS  was established for industrial maintenance to support Zanocco which was by now  well into the sector of automation


SMI SRL changes location and moves to its current premises in Manta CN


In 1990, Zanocco began as a small firm in a garage in Verzuolo, Cuneo, making industrial and private electrical systems .In 1996 the business moves to new premises in Faslicetto di Verzuolo.


SMI sas  was established for industrial maintenance to support Zanocco which was by now  well into the sector of automation


SMI sas becomes SMI Security and Automation srl to offer complete service in creating industrial automation systems , robotics and…security systems such as fire  and explosion prevention systems.


SMI srl changes location and moves to its current premises in Manta CN


Apart from its steady activity in automation and maintenance on security systems, SMI assures in-house designing,  installation and all assistance on explosion and fire prevention systems.

New challenges to assist industry

We are a, up-to-date, dynamic  company engaged in industrial maintenance within the automation and safety sectors that keeps in pace with technology. Over a decade, what was a small firm that produced electrical equipment for a great variety of manufacturing sectors, has developed and become Zanocco SMI.

Now, as then, the company’s commitment is dedicated to assuring a complete, all-inclusive service for designing, implementation, installation, maintenance and assistance, thanks to its highly qualified technicians.


Years pass and Zanocco can count on the help of four/five employees. The demand for new systems is high, we work a lot, but it is no longer possible to dedicate ourselves to their maintenance. Then, almost by chance, I get the idea of proposing to Maurizio Quirico, one of my employees, to found a new company, Zanocco SMI. At the beginning, the newly formed company should only have dealt with the maintenance of the plants, ours and others, but then Zanocco SMI begins to undertake new activities related to software, growing up in parallel with Zanocco. We thus faced two very distinct organisations. Two related companies that have always shared the same offices and the same administration.


Tomorrow is already written: Pietro and Carlo, my two sons, have all the skills to carry on a company with thirty years of experience. Both of them take care of the company with great devotion, Pietro in the field of construction management, construction sites, sales and Carlo in that, more congenial to him, of software.
It is a great satisfaction to see them next to me with a common passion. The new generations contribute positively to changes, development, innovation, they represent the modern approach to a work that respects identity and does not forget to have a craftsman heart.

Mauro Zanocco

A.U. Zanocco SRL

Zanocco SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19 Tel 0175-85603
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 03193620048
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730
Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
SMI Sicurezza e Automazione SRL
12030 Manta (CN) Via Unità d’Italia,19 – Tel 0175-289730 Fax. 0175-750800 | P.I. e C.F. 03162330041
Zanocco Sistemi SRL – 12030 Manta (CN)
Via Unità d’Italia 19
P.I.v.a./Cod.Fisc. 04035570045

Telefono +39 0175 289730


PARTITA IVA e C.F. 03162330041 | Reg. Imprese Cuneo CN199739418 | Capitale Sociale i.v. € 100.000,00

Copyright © 2021 SMI Sicurezza e Automazione s.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati.